increasing auto power without sacrificing efficiency

  • How To Remove Tree Sap From Your Car

    11 June 2015

    Sometimes parking your car in the shade can be a disaster for your car, especially if you park beneath trees that produce sap such as maple and pine trees. This sticky sap is difficult to get off or your car windows, and especially difficult to get off of your car's paint. It can be removed though. See below for some helpful tips on how to remove sap from your car.

  • 3 Signs That Your Car Needs Brake Work

    10 June 2015

    When it comes to automobile safety, brakes are easily the single most important feature on your car. That's why it's vital you be able to recognize when they're ready for repair or replacement. If you would like to learn more about just what to look--and listen--for, read on. This article will introduce you to three signs that your car is ready to have some brake work done. Screeching, grinding, and growling

  • Tips To Making The Most Of Auto Repairs

    9 June 2015

    If you own a vehicle, chances are you will need to pay a visit to the garage at one time or another. Moreover, a visit to your mechanic usually means putting a damper on your monthly budget. The good news though is that there are some handy tips that you can use to make the most of auto repairs and possibly not have to pay an arm and a leg.

  • Having Transmission Problems? Your Options For Getting Your Car Moving Again

    8 June 2015

    When the transmission in your vehicle first starts to go bad you may still be able to drive but have problems going into a higher gear or reverse. As long as you are not driving on the freeway or other roads with a higher speed limit, you may not be worried about it. However, if left unattended, the transmission will continue to get worse until your car will not go into gear when started; you won't be able to drive anywhere.

  • If You Spot These Two Subtle Signs Of Transmission Problems, It Can Save You Thousands

    8 June 2015

    Most people are already aware that if they hear a loud grinding noise while driving, it's time to get their transmission examined post-haste. However, many people don't know that grinding noises aren't the only indicator that transmission has issues. A couple of the transmission problem signs are far more subtle, but if you catch these signs early on it can save you from having to buy a whole new transmission.

  • Fine Food, Wine, And Cars: The German Experience

    5 June 2015

    Germany is known for many things other than  beer, oompah music, and sausages. These are the items commonly found at Oktoberfest, but they do not reflect the quality items that Germany offers the world, such as fine food, fine wine, and fast cars. German culture is a major force in many countries, including the United States, so you should make it a mission to explore its many contributions. Food Germany offers a surprising variety of foods that you may not find on your beer garden menu.

  • Removing The Haze From Your Headlight

    5 June 2015

    If you have a vehicle that has a headlight that has become foggy-looking due to oxidation, you can attempt repairing it yourself instead of replacing the entire light. Using the following cleaning and sanding method will remove the glazed appearance from your headlight and leave you with a light that illuminates as if it were new. Materials You Will Need Mild detergent Bucket of water Non-abrasive sponge Garden hose Painter's tape Sandpaper in course, medium and fine-grit Block of wood A few pieces of microfiber cloth Spray bottle Headlight Polish Rubbing alcohol Clean The Headlight